💌 This Male Behavior Scares Women Away

Frustrated, angry and heart broken

Does this sound like you 👇🏽

  • Fed up of gaining traction, then slipping right to square one?

  • Tired of low self-esteem and not being able to take charge?

  • Constantly guessing where you stand with women?

Keep reading…

Greetings Gentlemen,

Welcome to the upside of the dating world. I’m Coach Kavita 🙋🏻‍♀️ Love Coach for Men.

Each week, I share the kind of expert dating advice that clients pay the big bucks for 💰

Today’s Dating Upgrade:

💔 Frustrated, Angry & Heartbroken
🗣️ 5 Signs of Quick Attachment
💪🏽 Reinforce your independence

New here? Make sure to follow me on Instagram.

Best Links

🎞️ Setting standards 101 (link)
📺 Setting boundaries (link)
🎞️ Is nothing working for you? (link)

The male behavior that scares women away.

Let’s jump right in, because this is a juicy one.

Here’s a text I got from a client:

2 weeks later, these roll in:

First, a round of applause for my brave client who candidly shared his struggle – he's not alone.

Many men find themselves caught in the same cycle during the early stages of dating (we're talking the first few weeks, a handful of dates).

They get swept up in the thrill of a new connection and become needy.

But too much too soon can lead to the exact opposite of your intentions.

So then, how are you supposed to know you're jumping in too fast?

And more importantly, what can you do about it?

5 Signs of Quick Attachment

Awareness is the first step, so let's start by looking at some common indicators of becoming attached to someone too fast:

  • Romanticizing the relationship: You imagine only the perfect scenarios and think way too far into the future.

  • Over-communicating: You send multiple texts all day and she’s not matching your output or responding enthusiastically.

  • Overthinking: You feel anxious, often for no clear reason, such as when she doesn’t respond right away.

  • Boundary issues: You find it hard to respect her boundaries and don’t have any of your own.

  • Overbooking: You try to lock in several plans at a time because you’re nervous about not seeing her again.

But awareness on it’s own isn’t enough….

The real challenge arises when you're in the midst of it all.

So you need to think of your new relationship as a training ground and opportunity for growth.

Beginner practices for addressing these self sabotaging behaviors:

  • Grounding yourself: When you catch yourself romanticizing the relationship, take a step back to remind yourself of where things truly stand today, and appreciate that this is an exciting time to get to know her and explore this phase of your relationship.

  • Balanced communication: If you find yourself over-communicating, initiate a light-hearted chat about each of your desired communication styles around texting, phone calls and social media.

  • Surfacing from the rabbit hole: When you find your thoughts

    spiralling, bring yourself back to the present moment with meditation, exercise, or referring back to your directional documents*

  • Setting boundaries: If you're struggling with boundaries, start by defining a few of your own and asking about hers as well. Make sure you’re on the same page about how to respect each other’s.

  • Focus on Fun Experiences: If you find yourself over-scheduling out of nervousness, redirect that energy towards making each encounter enjoyable and exciting. Concentrate on discovering activities together, scheduling them at a pace you’re both comfortable with.

*Directional Documents are a powerful component of my coaching strategies.

Pro Tip: Use affirmations as a tool to reinforce positive dating habits. Repeat them regularly to remind yourself to pace the relationship. For example: "A relationship needs room to breathe, grow, and develop." 

Does this sound like you 👇🏽

  • Terrified of approaching women and starting conversations

  • Frustrated with self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Fed up of gaining traction, then slipping back to square one

  • Tired of low self-esteem and not being able to take charge

  • Constantly guessing where you stand with women

  • And simply REALLY not enjoying your dating life

How would you like to experiencing instead 👇🏽

  • Charmingly approach women anytime anywhere with ease

  • Break free from self-sabotage cycles and know how to have healthier relationship habits.

  • Know how to move and progress a relationship forward with confidence and assurance

  • Skyrocket your confidence from a level 3 to a level 10 and feel DAMN GOOD about yourself

  • Learn to communicate effectively, be assertive, and get what you want from dating interactions

  • And have an EXCITING, active dating life that’s abundant with and fun!

Click the button below to learn more about Huddle Eleven Elite now.

The next session is June 5th at 8PM EST!

Your weekly homework assignment to help you do better in your dating life.

📬 This week your mission is to reinforce your independent identity, by nurturing your social connections and hobbies, regardless of your current dating status.

  1. Dedicate time for personal interests: Aim to spend at least one hour a day on a hobby, or something that brings you joy. This can be anything from reading a book, playing an instrument, cooking, or playing your favorite sport. Try something out of your usual routine.

  2. Reach out to friends: Who’s someone in your social circle you haven’t spoken to in a while? Send a text, give them a call, or even better, making plans to catch up in person.

Time to rise and shine - we're with you every step of the way! 💪

Follow me on Instagram - Lots of dating advice for you.

—Coach Kavita ❤️